ATM 24X7: 022 62664100
Missed Call Facility - 88288 11233
Housing Loan
For purchase / construction of house.
Application for this category can be made individually or
jointly. In case of joint applicants, the income of cobrrowers
if any will be added.
Minimum gross salary of Rs.
10,000/- and or net salary Rs. 5000/-
In case of self
employed / businessman, minium gross annual income should be
Rs. 1.20 Lacs.
Loan Limit
80% of the agreement value, Registration charges and stamp
duty, or
70 times of monthly salary. or6 times of gross
annual income or
Maximum of Rs. 15 Lacs, whichever is
Rate of Interest
13% p.a.
Repayment Period
up to 180 months.